54. Jahrgang Nr. 3 / März 2024
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Ausgabe Nr. 4 Monat April 2004
Die Passion Christi von Mel Gibson (Filmbesprechung)

Ausgabe Nr. 4 Monat April 2004
Buchhinweise- Der römische Katechismus (Catechismus romanus)

Ausgabe Nr. 5 Monat Juni 2004
Werner Olles: Leben und Werk des heiligen Don Bosco

Ausgabe Nr. 6 Monat Juli 2004
Werner Olles: Islam heißt Gottvertrauen

Ausgabe Nr. 6 Monat Juli 2004
Werner Olles: Warum ich römisch-katholisch bin - Brief an einen muslimischen Freund

Ausgabe Nr. 3 Monat April 2005
Die Krise der Kirche ist hausgemacht

Ausgabe Nr. 3 Monat April 2005
Neues aus der Konzilskirche

Ausgabe Nr. 4 Monat Juni 2005
Neues aus der Konzilskirche

Ausgabe Nr. 9 Monat November 2004
Wider den Relativismus

Ausgabe Nr. 6 Monat Oktober 2005
Vom Elend der Postmoderne

Ausgabe Nr. 7 Monat Dezember 2005
Zur Theologie und Philosophie Joseph Ratzingers

Ausgabe Nr. 7 Monat Dezember 2005
Der Rosenkranz ist unser Maschinengewehr!

Ausgabe Nr. 11 Monat december 2005
A commentary on the present situation of the Church

Ausgabe Nr. 1 Monat Februar 2006
Pro Familia agiert an hessischen Schulen

Ausgabe Nr. 1 Monat Februar 2003
Häresie der Formlosigkeit. Die römische Liturgie und ihr Feind

Ausgabe Nr. 2 Monat März 2003
Wer in der modernen Welt

Ausgabe Nr. 3 Monat April 2003
Vom Kampf der Kulturen zum Krieg der Ideen

Ausgabe Nr. 5 Monat Juni 2003
Von der Weigerung, erwachsen zu werden

Ausgabe Nr. 6 Monat Juli 2003
Zur derzeitigen Situation der Kirche

Ausgabe Nr. 6 Monat Juli 2003
Zum 50. Todestag von Hilaire Belloc

Ausgabe Nr. 7 Monat September 2003
Die Junge Freiheit, Besprechung

Ausgabe Nr. 8 Monat October 2003
Sobre la situación actual de la Iglesia (esp.)

Ausgabe Nr. 8 Monat October 2003
A propos de la situation actuelle de l’Eglise (fr.)

Ausgabe Nr. 8 Monat October 2003
A commentary on the present situation of the Church (engl.)

Ausgabe Nr. 9 Monat November 2003
Kino - Filmbesprechungen: a) Passion und b) Luther

Ausgabe Nr. 10 Monat Dezember 2003
Bücherbesprechung: Udo Ulfkotte/Hans-Peter Raddatz

Ausgabe Nr. 11 Monat December 2003
Dalla „Lotta delle civiltà“ alla „Lotta delle idee“

Ausgabe Nr. 3 Monat Mai 2002
Eine gesellschaftliche Katastrophe

Ausgabe Nr. 5 Monat September 2002
Die göttliche Wahrheit erkennen

Ausgabe Nr. 6 Monat November 2002
Satanistische Tendenzen in der Rock-Musik

Ausgabe Nr. 6 Monat November 2002
Das Wesen aller Kultur ist Religion

Ausgabe Nr. 7 Monat Dezember 2002
Satanische Tendenzen in der Rock Musik

Ausgabe Nr. 5 Monat November 2001
Sozialpartnerschaft statt Klassenkampf

Ausgabe Nr. 6 Monat Dezember 2001
Streit um das

Ausgabe Nr. 7 Monat März 2001
Die magische Welt des Harry Potter 1)

Ausgabe Nr. 3 Monat April 2006
Jesus Christus - der deutschen Medien interessantester Fall

Ausgabe Nr. 3 Monat April 2006
Leserbriefe zu dem Artikel

Ausgabe Nr. 6 Monat Oktober 2006
Der Teufel im Kino

Ausgabe Nr. 7 Monat Dezember 2006
Wo ist Gott?

Ausgabe Nr. 1 Monat Februar 2007

Ausgabe Nr. 3 Monat August 2017
Warum wir kämpfen!

Ausgabe Nr. 5 Monat Oktober 2007
Neues aus der Konzilskirche

Ausgabe Nr. 1 Monat März 2008
Der Gottsucher Joris-Karl Huysmans

Ausgabe Nr. 2 Monat Juni 2008
Gegengift erscheint wieder.

Ausgabe Nr. 2 Monat Juni 2008
Zum 50. Todestag des katholischen Dichters Reinhold Schneider

Ausgabe Nr. 3 Monat August 2008
Basra ist christenfrei!

Ausgabe Nr. 1 Monat Februar 2009
Zum 150. Geburtstag des Wüstenheiligen Charles de Foucauld

Ausgabe Nr. 1 Monat Februar 2010
Hinweis auf einen Gedichtband:

Ausgabe Nr. 4 Monat Dezember 2010
'Pro Familia' im Visier des Rechnungshofes

Ausgabe Nr. 4 Monat Dezember 2010

Ausgabe Nr. 1 Monat März 2011

Ausgabe Nr. 13 Monat June 2011
A proposito della situazione attuale della Chiesa

Ausgabe Nr. 2 Monat Juni 2011

Ausgabe Nr. 3 Monat Sptember 2011
Buchbesprechung: M. Baglio

Ausgabe Nr. 4 Monat Dezember 2011
Buchbesprechung - Lorenz Jäger

Ausgabe Nr. 4 Monat Dezember 2011
Vom Gender-Mainstreaming zur Pädosexualität

Ausgabe Nr. 4 Monat Dezember 2013
Buchbesprechung: Lorenz Jäger „Fromme Übungen“

Ausgabe Nr. 1 Monat Februar 2014

Ausgabe Nr. 2 Monat Mai 2014
Von Menschen und Göttern – eine Filmrezension

Ausgabe Nr. 3 Monat August 2015

Ausgabe Nr. 5 Monat November 2015

Ausgabe Nr. 5 Monat November 2015

Ausgabe Nr. 1 Monat Februar 2016
Flüchtlingskrise oder Staatskrise?

Ausgabe Nr. 3 Monat September 2016
Buchbesprechung: Daniele Dell Agli

Ausgabe Nr. 1 Monat Februar 2017

Ausgabe Nr. 3 Monat August 2017

Ausgabe Nr. 4 Monat November 2017

Ausgabe Nr. 1 Monat Februar 2018
Solidarität mit Professor Kutschera!

Ausgabe Nr. 1 Monat Februar 2018

Ausgabe Nr. 2 Monat April 2018
Ein aufschlußreiches Interview

Ausgabe Nr. 3 Monat August 2018
Das Kreuz mit dem Kreuz

Ausgabe Nr. 3 Monat August 2018

Ausgabe Nr. 4 Monat November 2018
Europa am Abgrund

Ausgabe Nr. 2 Monat Mai 2019

Ausgabe Nr. 3 Monat September 2019

Ausgabe Nr. 4 Monat Dezember 2019
Glaube, Heimat, Tradition

Ausgabe Nr. 2 Monat März 2020

Ausgabe Nr. 3 Monat Mai 2020
Konservative können nur erfolgreich sein

Ausgabe Nr. 3 Monat Mai 2020

Ausgabe Nr. 7 Monat Juli 2020
Der Verfassungsschutz

Ausgabe Nr. 7 Monat Juli 2020

Ausgabe Nr. 9 Monat November 2020
Die Menschenrechte

Ausgabe Nr. 9 Monat November 2020

Ausgabe Nr. 1 Monat Februar 2021

Ausgabe Nr. 1 Monat Februar 2021
Endzeit – eine wahre Geschichte

Ausgabe Nr. 1 Monat Februar 2021
Mitteilungen der Redaktion

Ausgabe Nr. 2 Monat März 2021

Ausgabe Nr. 3 Monat Mai 2021
Der Verfassungsschutz - Beschützer einer links-grünen Staatsideologie oder Hüter unserer Sicherheit?

Ausgabe Nr. 4 Monat August 2021

Ausgabe Nr. 5 Monat November 2021

Ausgabe Nr. 5 Monat November 2021

Ausgabe Nr. 1 Monat Januar 2022
Widerstand oder innere Emigration

Ausgabe Nr. 2 Monat April 2022

Ausgabe Nr. 3 Monat Juni 2022

Ausgabe Nr. 4 Monat September 2022
„… aber es bleibt uns nichts anderes übrig...

Ausgabe Nr. 4 Monat September 2022
Ein glühendes Herz für soziale Gerechtigkeit

Ausgabe Nr. 5 Monat November 2022
Die Zerstörer

Ausgabe Nr. 5 Monat November 2022

Ausgabe Nr. 1 Monat Januar 2023
Gegen eine Politik der Illusionen und die Diktatur des Schwachsinns

Ausgabe Nr. 1 Monat Januar 2023

Ausgabe Nr. 2 Monat April 2023
Glaube, Heimat, Tradition – Der Kampf gegen den linksgrünen Globalismus

Ausgabe Nr. 3 Monat Mai 2023
Wie man auf die Schnelle ein neues Volk aus dem Hut zaubert

Ausgabe Nr. 4 Monat August 2023
Auf der Suche nach der verlorenen Einheit

Ausgabe Nr. 4 Monat August 2023
Kampf um Europa

Ausgabe Nr. 4 Monat August 2023
Ins rechte Licht gerückt

Ausgabe Nr. 4 Monat August 2023

Ausgabe Nr. 5 Monat Oktober 2023
In Search of Lost Unity

Ausgabe Nr. 5 Monat Oktober 2023
En busca de la unidad perdida

Ausgabe Nr. 5 Monat Oktober 2023
À la recherche de ´unité perdue

Ausgabe Nr. 5 Monat Oktober 2023
Auf der Suche nach der verlorenen Einheit

Ausgabe Nr. 6 Monat Dezember 2023

Ausgabe Nr. 1 Monat Januar 2024
Überlegungen zur Metaphysik des Krieges

Ausgabe Nr. 2 Monat März 2024
Remigration? Ein schöner Traum!

Ausgabe Nr. 2 Monat März 2024

A commentary on the present situation of the Church
A commentary on the present situation of the Church

Dr. E. Heller interviewed by Werner Olles

Introductory remark

The following interview will eventually be published in Junge Freiheit (=Youth for Freedom), a weekly German political newspaper. Its editor, however, has given permission for it to appear in Einsicht first. Though political in nature, Junge Freiheit is also concerned with revealing the underlying spiritual and religious causes of the disastrous position in which the Church has been for quite some time now. This interview is primarily intended for new subscribers  to Einsicht. The aim is to justify the position of Einsicht by explaining certain problems.
Eberhard Heller


Olles: What are your thoughts on the condition of the Church at the beginning of the 21st century?
Heller: Firstly, when you refer to the “catholic Church” doubtless you have in mind that religious institution which changed into the “conciliar church” after the reforms of Vatican II  were implemented. This “conciliar church”, though continuing to call itself the “Roman Catholic Church” has nothing in common with the pre-Vatican II Church. The reforms, continually evolving, in the spirit of Vat.II, have resulted in multiple ruptures with the bi-millennial tradition of the Church. The external trappings of the Church remain the same in many ways. Certain doctrines of the pre-Vatican II Church , as well as its hierarchical and juridical structures are kept, helping to mask the rupture with tradition.
Here is how the traditional Church ‘mutated’ into the ‘conciliar church’. This mutation was effectuated by: falsifying sacramental rites, or falsely interpreting their meaning by the negation of certain dogmas; by corrupting semantics; by pretending moral laws were relative, and by denying the Church its right to be the sole authentic custodian and guardian of the truths of salvation as revealed by God. Instead of this, John Paul II. pretends he is a leader of one of the numerous religions that exist, all placed on an equal footing, together with whom he adores ‘God’. This is tantamount to denying the Holy Trinity. An American religious has drawn up a list of 101 heresies attributed to  John Paul II.
The accusations, being very grave, must be substantiated.  I shall therefore quote from two conciliar documents and their appraisal by a reliable critic. In Nostra Aetate art. 3, we find:  “The Church also esteems the musulmans, who adore One God, living and substantial, merciful and mighty, creator of heaven and earth, who has spoken to men”. This affirmation is followed by an other in Lumen Gentium chap. 16: “But the plan of salvation is equally extended to those who recognise the Creator, in the first place, the musulmans, who having the faith of Abraham,  adore the unique God with us.
In 1970, Paul VI  renounced the right of the Church to be the only true one with this declaration: “There are three religions which all recognise the true God participating in this (Middle East) conflict: the Jewish people, Islam, and with them the Christian people spread throughout the world. With three voices they proclaim monotheism. Their language is authentic, dignified, historical, indestructible, and convincing.”
This change of mentality was perceived in Le Monde of 25. 01. 2000. by Prof. Claude Geffre OP, dean of the Faculty of Theology of Saulchoir: “During the Vatican II Council, the Catholic Church discovered and accepted that she did not have the monopoly of the truth, that she had to listen to the world (…) Religions which oppose these legitimate needs are bound either to reform or to disappear”. On the other hand, Christ says: “Nobody comes to the Father but by Me (John 14,6); for ” he who does not have the Son, does not have the Father either”( I John 2,23). In these quotations, there is no room for “tolerance”!  
It is not possible for a Pope or the Magisterium of the Church to radically change or falsify fixed doctrines without calling the divine Revelation of the truth into question as the absolute point of reference; or without the Church renouncing thereby to be the supreme Institute of the truth. What was valid in the Church yesterday will also remain so today and tomorrow.

The reforms after Vat. II. were introduced surreptitiously, and here we shall spotlight just one example illustrating the limits of moral decadence: the generalised approval of abortion in which the conciliar church of Germany was implicated until recently. Consultation centres were set up at the behest of the bishops which pregnant women in distress could turn to as a last resort to receive a certificate which was the same as giving them the “right” to abortion; ‘licences to kill’ they had even be called…
To be fair, it has to be said that there were many who were not aware of the new official orientation of the hierarchy. In general,  rank and file Catholics are still of the mind that the ‘conciliar church’ is the true catholic Church, especially since ordinary Catholics are not competent enough  to form a theological judgment on the reforms which have falsified Church doctrine. The imposture is augmented by semantic corruption. The younger generation, not having known otherwise, could not have detected the imposture because the reforms have become like a tradition themselves in the meantime. One can also add that it has not been possible for them to know of the situation because of the failure of those who did remain faithful to Church doctrine  to make it known! Amongst the ordinary Catholics there is scarcely one to be found competent enough to know the theological and dogmatic differences between Catholic doctrine and its protestant versions. The older Catholics have become used to the liturgical reforms, but often enough they tempered these with traditional doctrines of the past.  The Mass or rather the ‘mass’ is said in the vernacular of the country concerned, so it is more difficult to ascertain that these ‘masses’ are invalid because of certain falsifications introduced into them. In some cases, this ‘church’  has even been able to partially exert a stabilising social effect, e.g. ,  in many rural parishes. .
The rifts in the ‘conciliar church’ are evident. You have revolutionaries on the periphery with their well defined, well programmed course of action. I would place John Paul II in this category. Reports from Messori, an Italian ‘insider’ journalist, confirm this. Yet others,  clergy and laity, remain emotionally attached to catholicism…To give you an eloquent example of the internal rifts amongst the ‘conciliar church’ hierarchy, I refer you to a statement made by cardinal Kasper purporting to the document Domins Jesus (probably edited by card. Ratzinger, if we are to judge by the style). A good part of this document is catholic, and yet Kasper, who had just received the cardinal’s hat, criticised this document, saying it was “too demanding” . It obliged one (!)  to the Faith! And to think that this document was issued from precisely that institution which enabled him to become a cardinal…
Apart from the theological betrayals, difficult to apprehend, the fruits of the reforms are not only visible but measurable: the mass desertion of churches, the dramatic decline in priestly and religious vocations, the doing away with Missionary activity and the silence of the ‘conciliar church” as a moral authority. To sum up we could say: “ the Roman Catholic Church’s former prerogative as the Institute of Salvation has been suppressed. Those who were aware of the revolutionary nature of the changes have not gone into hiding, but it is true that they are living in a new diaspora situation. And cardinal Scheffczyk  prof. em. of dogma at the University of Munich, speaking of the ‘autodestruction of the Church’ states categorically: ”One has to be realistic and have understanding for the many Catholics who are lost, perplexed and even deceived at the present time.” (Theologisches July 02).

Olles: Who were the principle opponents of the pre-conciliar, anti-modernistic Church?

Heller: Since the French Revolution, the Church ahs been increasingly banished from the public sphere,  and is relegated to the private life of individuals. Religion has now become a purely personal affair! Now a short time before the French Revolution, the Church endured despotism in the form of Josephenism…  As well as that rationalism influenced the process of  de-christianisation  and secularisation. Now the aim of Freemasonry was to  ‘overthrow the throne and the altar’ and  to subvert the Church. It is interesting to discover threats of revolutionary ideas previously defined by  the Illuminati, in several conciliar decrees. The post-conciliar hierarchy offered no resistance and promptly agreed to comply with the requirement of Judaism (B’nai B’rith) to eliminate the so-called anti-Semitic elements from the liturgy.
To these forces antagonistic to the Church could also be added the ‘inferiority complexes’ of many theologians who considered themselves hemmed in by the Church since the 19th century. They felt they had been excluded from scientific evolution. This explains why, after the Vatican II council they were still more inclined  to adopt modern scientific theories. And last but not least, what was decisive for the revolution in the Church on a world-wide scale was that “the revolution started from the top…”.

Olles: Globally speaking, what line of resistance has the tradition been able to offer at present?

Heller: Following the Vatican II council when not only were we struck by the reformist character of its documents, but we saw that the very dogmas of Catholicism were being altered, with very grave consequences, numerous were those who came forth in those early days to combat these reforms. E.g. the promulgation of the so-called N.O.M. (novus ordo missae) of Paul VI was rapidly followed by the “Brief critical analysis of the N.O.M.) signed by the cardinals Ottaviani and Bacci, in which the grave theological errors of the new rite were revealed.
In this context it is revealing to note what cardinal Ratzinger had to say about the liturgical reforms. According to him, it was not  ‘a revival’ but a devastation. “ I am convinced, “ he writes, “that the crisis of the Church we are traversing at the present time is to a large extend due to the breakdown of the liturgy”. (“My Life, Memoirs 1927-1997, Rome 1997).
Even some reputable Greek orthodox and protestant theologians raised their voices to warn against the introduction of the Novus Ordo. Resistance groups on a world-wide scale were organised to maintain the traditional Mass, and Latin as the language of the Church. Lay people as well as the clergy formed part if them; public figures as well as scientists. There were journalists and renowned theologians  who joined their voices to those of committed lay people. The international federation ‘Una Voce’ was granted juridical status. The group  “Freundeskreis der Una Voce” was founded in Munich in 1966 and I am its current president. Mgr Lefebvre founded his international seminary, attracting many seminarians. A lot of ‘Resistance’ journals in the major languages appeared. Amongst them the theological periodical Einsicht , published since 1971 in Munich by the group “Freundeskreis der Una Voce”.
But an internal rift amongst the traditionalists was looming on the horizon. Traditional Catholics were receiving differing theological critiques of the reform decrees. Analyses of the N.O.M. formed the bulk of them. Whilst the first group was only aware of some liturgical discrepancies in this ordo, others discovered very grave dogmatic falsifications in it, signifying that ‘ masses’ celebrated in this rite were invalid. Consequently the legitimacy as Pope of the promulgator of such a new-styled ordo was brought into question…
Though this second line of criticism analysed the problem more profoundly, it was the first category of objectors to the N.O.M. , with its more readily-seized conclusions which ultimately gained more adherents amongst traditional Catholics. And it is at this point that two wings were formed in the ranks of those Catholics faithful to the tradition: the traditionalists and the sedevacantists. In a way, the former could be compared to an orthodox sect within the conciliar church., leading a “quarrel of rites” which has never been resolved. The Catholics following the sedevacantist wing believe that, the See of Peter is vacant,  and this difference between the traditionalist and sedevacantist mainstreams continues to this day.
For a long time the chef de file or figurehead of the traditionalists was Mgr. Lefebvre. The leader of the sedevacantists was Mgr Ngô-dinh-Thuc, former archbishop of Hué, Vietnam, brother of the former Catholic president Ngô-dinh-Diem of Vietnam, assassinated by the Americans with Vatican approval. It is with his public Declaratio concerning the vacancy of the Holy See, dated 23.02.1982, at Munich, that Mgr. Ngô-dinh-Thuc  provided the fundamental theological Charter for the sedevacantists.
If you ask me about the assets of these two groups, I can tell you that the run-of - the mill traditionalists   pivoting around Mgr Lefebvre have an impressive number of adherents, but the arguments they present to defend their point of view in forums and debates can only be qualified as poor. The sedevacantists on the other hand, are able to present watertight arguments, but numerically they are only a minority. This wing is more strongly represented in Mexico. Sociologically speaking, these two groups play a rather insignificant role. To date what we lack is directive unity on the pastoral front. Till this is achieved, no effective restoration of the Church as a salvific Institute is possible.

Olles: In the aftermath of syncretism, what is the amplitude of the devastation of the concept of apostolicity?
Heller: Apostolicity signifies that the Church is founded on the apostles, who are called by Christ to succeed Him; it also means a continued, ever-identical doctrinal line, on the one hand; and on the other it means the apostolic succession of the hierarchy, i.e. the uninterrupted transmission of powers to consecrate bishops and ordain priests so as to guarantee the existence of the Church as an Institute of salvation.
The apostolic succession is  endangered in our times because of the new rites for Holy Orders- invalid or doubtful at the least – which have been introduced. The danger is for episcopal and sacerdotal powers to thus cease to exist; On the other hand, apostolicity is suppressed (from the conciliar church) by the fact that Rome abdicates the powers and dogmas transmitted to the apostles. As an example let us consider the dogma “outside of the Church there is no salvation”. The conciliar church renounces this dogma. This means that it does not claim to be the only true Church any more than any other Christian Confessions. In fact, the conciliar church recognises them as having equal rights. More, it assures us that Islam, Judaism and the other world religions are also legitimate ways to work out one’s salvation. This is why the conciliar church itself renounces any pretence of being the true, unique Institute of salvation. So, the ‘Pope’ of the conciliar church joins the phalanx of ‘dignitaries of equal rights’ of other religions in order to achieve a ‘peaceful coexistence’.
This syncretism supplants pre-VaticanII  Missionnary activity, now effectively abandoned. Yet, even the scandalous, syncretic gestures of the usurper- pope of the conciliar church (John Paul II kissing the Coran!) and the inter-faith  assemblies in no way means that those other religions respect the idea of peaceful co-existence. In Sudan, Christians are continually being killed; even in Turkey they are persecuted and subject to discrimination. Imagine St. Peter negociating “peaceful coexistence”,  preaching on good will to all men to the Roman Emperor, whilst only a short distance away, in the arena of this same emperor, men who were not of such good will were throwing Christians to be devoured by wild beasts! How cynical!      

Olles: Is Œcumenism one of the consequences of the spiritual starvation of souls through the conciliar church?  
Heller: The term Œcumenism along with some others, has undergone change of meaning due to semantic corruption by the modernists. Initially this term referred to an assembly of particular churches . It is in this sense that an œcumenical council was referred to in the past. Today the emphasis on concrete efforts made to unite all Christian denominations.
Before the Vatican II council efforts were made to iron out the scandal of divisions by searching for solutions to the problems of those times. (I think here of the regrettably failed Unification attempt with the Orthodox church under the reign of Pius XI.). Nowadays, they try to advance matters by avoiding confrontations with Catholic truths. For them, “unity” has priority over divine Revelation. Œcumenism understood this way is rather the objective aimed at and desired by the promulgators of the reforms. Let us now go back to the Common Declaration the doctrine on Justification , the aim of which was to get a “nuanced concensus”. Bishop Karl Lehmann, recently promoted to the college of cardinals himself qualified Martin Luther as a doctor of the church without the slightest  protest from the conciliar authorities despite the fact that Luther is condemned as a heretic by the Church…Because of its theological indifference there are some I know who have left the conciliar church in order to reintegrate traditional Catholicism. If it is a fact that ordinary Catholics are insisting on yet more œcumenism it is because they do not understand why all these Christian Confessions professing practically the same Faith should continue to exist as different Christian denominations or organisations.
The conciliar church’s abandonment of the truths contained in the dogmas of the Faith has produced an arbitrary mentality concerning doctrinal content, and this has given place to a “patchwork” Christianity, where each one is free to fabricate his own “theology” as best he can.

Olles: Till now Catholics having remained faithful to the Tradition have been treated as outcasts by the modernists. Now, however, one can qualify the latter’s antagonism as persecution. Do you expect to be formally accused of anti-church activities with your names put on a black list?
Heller: We are not directly persecuted, even though we are defamed as fundamentalists or hard-liners; The conciliar church lacks the means for this: neither can we be attacked for political activism. Our line of action is to continue on as the Church did before the council. But priests opposing the conciliar church are certainly disadvantaged. Maybe M. Fridmann , the current president of the central council of Jews in Germany (who still retains this position despite having received many reproaches) will one day have the idea of accusing us of anti-Semitism because we keep to the traditional liturgy of Good Friday. But I doubt it.

Olles: … The New Mass, religious liberty, the rights of man against the authority of God… what fundamental truths would you oppose to these concepts?
Heller: We maintain that absolute Truth exists, that it became flesh in Christ and that there is only one true religion. After that we are convinced that He, the God-Man, condescended to us. He abased Himself to our misery in order to manifest His love and mercy. By His sacrificial death He offered fallen man the possibility of being reconciled with God. By the Holy sacrifice of the mass He offers men the possibility of renewing His reconciliation without any discontinuity. It is by Him that they will enter into the new Alliance, the guarantee of reconciliation and peace amongst men.

Olles: What advice could be offered to Catholics who wish to remain faithful to the apostolic and ecclesiastical tradition?
Heller: They should first strive to hold had to the Faith and to deepen their knowledge of Catholic Doctrine. There are many Catholics who have lost their orientation because they  received their faith through their conciliar education i.e. through the “new tradition”. As the world today has adopted many erroneous religious concepts and doctrines of salvation, it could be asked how we can know nowadays that the Christ is really the Son of God Whom we may justly believe in. One day M. Gliwitzky , the first president of our association said: “ The fact that for a long time we have been used to renounce the intelligence of Faith is one of the deepest roots of the crisis we are living through. Therefore all our efforts should be concentrated (by the aid of certain signs) on distinguishing when we simply have an opinion, when we believe, and when we know something is the truth. Without a firm conviction about elementary truths of the Faith, in these times we are prey to a refined relativism. Integration into the Church is a problem because a stable organisation representing the pre-council Church does not exist, or yet exist. But I am ready to inform any interested Catholics adequately.

Olles: Do you think that after the deviations in the Faith and Liturgy wrought by Vatican II the Church could be restored?
Heller: For some time now we have been working out a plan to rebuild the Church as the Institute of salvation. But this leads to problems of theology and of organisation. For there has never been a similar situation in the history of the Church comparable to the one we are living in today. To surmount the crisis means to set out on unknown territory from the theological,  juridical and practical points of view. This requires efforts surpassing our competence. It would not suffice for John Paul II or the bishops e.g., to go back to the sources to rectify tomorrow all the decisions taken up till today, and so stop the deviations. If a dignitary of the hierarchy has fallen into heresy,  he loses his office and is inapt to reoccupy it, even supposing he converts. ( See papal Bull “Cum ex apostolatus officio “ of Paul IV). This means that the restoration of the Church could not be effected by this category of dignitaries. But, because we lack unified pastoral direction to date we have been unable to make any notable progress in the re-edification of the Church as the Institute of salvific grace.

Olles: Do you think that Germany and the West could be spiritually revived, or are we already lost?
Heller: For more than twenty five years I’ve been hearing of private revelations, true or false, in which a resurgence of spiritual life is announced in the wake of catastrophes or conflicts. I don’t lend faith to any of them. I see how things are  and the way they are developing. It is a fact that Germany and the West have been shaped by Christianity. Even if society does not want to recognise this reality, it is a fact that the disastrous universal de-christianisation can only be a proof of apostasy and a betrayal of the Christian social order. The moral torpidity of the Germans regarding abortion serves as a clear example of this: more than 60% of so-called Catholics were in favour of the present legislation  § 218 permitting abortions. About three hundred thousand infants die aborted yearly. Now, a nation which kills  its children will die itself. The apostasy of the Faith is not without repercussions politically and socially either. Any conservative political movement, or any party which is ideologically based on the revolutionary principles of the conciliar church is bound to doom, because success is based on the strength of the ideological concepts it represents. Think of Œcumenism or syncretism . These ideas which were basically formulated in the Church, are echoed in the multicultural concepts of politics. Take the Balkans for example. For years now, we have seen its effects in the Balkans. Unless the Faith is revived there will be no rebuilding of the Church nor a restoration of society. Till now, there is no sign of the happening.

Olles: In the Bible it is said: “… And you will know the truth and the truth will set you free”. Are we still in a position of being able to support the truth?

Heller: We can serve revealed Truth if we are ready to serve it humbly. Then it will set us free because we show we wish to lead our lives in the love of Christ and by Him. But what does this humility mean? It means admitting that we need the help of others. In the present case, it means we need the salvation of Christ and are prepared to accept His help. But will the self-sufficient, pleasure-orientated consumer society of today ever understand this!

: What concrete steps have you taken to be recognised as a legal juridical institution?

Heller: This question is being debated. Concretely it means finding out whether we can form a society with public rights, or whether we would have to be integrated in a federation of associations in the State Register. Some such associations have existed since 1976 when the traditional Mass was officially forbidden. The next step would be to decide what name to give it.

Eberhard Heller

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